In the wake of tragedy, two young boys are thrust into a bond that will shape their futures forever. After the untimely deaths of their fathers in 1952, their lives are forever intertwined under the guidance of retired Marine "Pappy" Smith—a steadfast grandfather to one boy and a compassionate neighbor to the other.
As they grow, their shared path leads to college, but a betrayal by a trusted coach reignites a burning desire to serve their country. Together, they enlist in the Marine Corps, embarking on a journey of duty, friendship, and sacrifice.
While stationed in California, fate introduces them to two extraordinary women—beautiful cousins who ignite a love as profound as the bond between the two men. As couples, their lives intertwine, weaving a story of love and resilience amidst the turbulence of Vietnam, the trials of injury and separation, and the joys and challenges of new beginnings.
But when one of the men goes missing in action during a dangerous mission, the others must navigate an unthinkable loss, testing the strength of their relationships and their resolve to honor their commitments to duty and love.
Will their bonds survive the ultimate test? Or will the weight of their choices threaten to tear everything apart?
Discover the unforgettable journey of Two Good Men, a story of courage, love, and the enduring strength of friendship.
Prof. Edward Jaworowski
former Chair, Classical Studies, Villanova University (retired)
Fr Michael Taylor, Pastor
Corpus Christi Catholic Church Aldie, VA
Maria Francesca Nespoli Carlberg
Congressional Liaison, Embassy of Italy in Washington, DC.
The Honorable James M. Byrne
8th Deputy Secretary of Veterans Affairs Veteran Marine
Mark A. Brilakis, LtGen USMC (ret)
Col Christopher J Gunther USMC (Ret)