Two Good men
by Brad Gates
The tragic deaths of two fathers occur within a two-week period in early 1952. The surviving family members are brought together by the vision and love of retired Marine, Pappy Smith, who is grandfather to one boy, and next-door neighbor to the other. After high school, the boys go to college together, but a deceitful coach reignites the boy’s desire to join the Marine Corps.
When stationed in California, the young Marines visit Disneyland and meet two beautiful cousins. Both couples fall in love and the four of them share their lives and depend on each other, navigating and overcoming the challenges of: duty in Vietnam, WIA, college degrees, Marine Corps drill instructor duty, Vietnam again, MIA, a new baby, marriage, and more. Two Good Men tells of the challenges of service, and love, of two men and women and how they interact in everything they do in their lives.
Look Inside
Prof. Edward Jaworowski
This story of two Marines and their families serves as a paradigm for countless American families. Not fanciful images of superheroes, but poignant episodes that delineate honest, down to earth portraits of the kinds of young Americans who gave and give so much. A warm tale of intense friendship, dedication, loyalty and love. Oorah!
Fr Michael Taylor, Pastor
Maria Francesca Nespoli Carlberg
The personal stories of four friends and their families are rendered epic by the skilled prose of Mr. Gates, who intertwines the families’ real-life events with scenes from Marine Corps’ recruits training, Vietnam battles, captivity and hospital stay, and finally, graduation. Love rules above all. A pleasure to read also for those who have no prior direct experience of the Marine Corps.
The Honorable James M. Byrne
Brad Gates belongs to that class of strictly upright, honest and true men, of whom Marines afford so many noble examples. A personal mentor and role-model since serving under him at The Basic School; I am a better man for my association with Brad Gates. Two Good Men captures the essence of what is truly great about our Nation - young men and their families honorably and quietly bearing the heavy burden of service in defense of our Nation’s values and democratic principles.
Mark A. Brilakis, LtGen USMC (ret)
At its heart, Two Good Men is a love story. Love of family, love of brotherhood, the love of good women, the love of best friends, and the love for the institution around which Brad Gates characters orbit, the United States Marine Corps. The story is compelling and the dialogue fast paced - for those who love the Corps or are those who revolve around its orbit, Two Good Men is a story you will embrace!
Col Christopher J Gunther USMC (Ret)
“This is a story to which all Marines can easily relate. The bonds of friendship and their shared loyalty to Corps and Country link the lives of Manny and Kenny in ways very familiar to Marines, and indeed, all members of the Armed Force.”